Django Admin

This toolbox provides an abundance of useful helpers for the django admin site. Please note that you need to install the view-layer extension of ambient-toolbox to use any form-related helpers:

pip install ambient-toolbox[view-layer]

Admin classes


If you want to make a model in the django Admin 100% read-only, you can derive your admin class from ReadOnlyAdmin. This will ensure that nobody can modify or delete the records of this class in any way.

Either you can register it like this:, ReadOnlyAdmin)

Or like this, if you want to customise it further:

class MyModelAdmin(ReadOnlyAdmin):


If you want to make a model in the django Admin editable, but not create- or deletable, you can simply derive your admin class from EditableOnlyAdmin. This will ensure that nobody can modify or delete the records of this class in any way.

Either you can register it like this:, EditableOnlyAdmin)

Or like this, if you want to customise it further:

class MyModelAdmin(EditableOnlyAdmin):



If you want to make a model MyModel 100% read-only, but the model is embedded in its parent, MyParentModel, you can derive from the ReadOnlyTabularInline. This will ensure that all instances of MyModel will not be editable in any way.

from django.contrib import admin

class MyModelInline(ReadonlyTabularInline):
    model = MyModel

class MyParentModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    inlines = [MyModelInline]



With this mixin you can easily use two different forms for creating and editing an object. The logic is borrowed from django.contrib.auth.admin.UserAdmin, so it’s proven django best practice.

Similar to the user creation where you want to set an email and a password at first and later take care about the other variables, you can now use this pattern for every admin:

from django.contrib import admin

class MyModelAdmin(AdminCreateFormMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):
    add_form = MyModelAddForm
    form = MyModelEditForm


This mixin removes all admin inline panels from a given admin class when being in the “create” case. This especially comes in handy when your inlines have inner dependencies based on the parent model (of the admin class).

from django.contrib import admin

class MyModelAdmin(AdminNoInlinesForCreateMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):
    inlines = (MyFancyInline, MyOtherFancyInline)


This mixin injects the current request in the form when creating or changing an object of the registered admin class. Very useful when some data of the form is user-related.

from django.contrib import admin

class MyModelAdmin(AdminRequestInFormMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):


This mixin injects the parent object of the given inline panel in the formset. Stating the obvious, the parent object is the object currently being edited in the parent admin class of the given inline class.

This is helpful, if you want to use the parent object for some kind of filtering or validation.

If you need the parent object for a different use-case, have a look at the example below. Here, the new attribute is used to determine if it is possible to add any new objects of the parent models class. If you want to fetch the parent object, just call the handy method get_parent_object_from_request(request):

class MyChildModelInline(FetchParentObjectInlineMixin, admin.TabularInline):
    model = MyChildModel

    def has_add_permission(self, request, obj):
        # Adding is only allowed if the parent object is applicable (all required fields set)
        parent_object = self.get_parent_object_from_request(request)
        if parent_object:
            return MyParentModel.objects.filter(
        return False


If you need the current object, you can derive from this mixin and use the method get_object_from_request(request).

from django.contrib import admin

class MyModelAdmin(FetchObjectMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):

    def my_custom_method(self, request):
        current_obj = self.get_object_from_request(request)


Sometimes when working with groups and permissions, it can happen that you want to show a certain user only the list view of a model and do not let him/her go to the detail/change view. To avoid unnecessary troubles, this mixin encapsulates all the stuff you need to achieve this easily.

There are two ways to handle the locking of the change view.

First you can set the boolean class attribute enable_change_view to enable or disable the view permanently.

class MyModelNoDetailPageAdmin(DeactivatableChangeViewAdminMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):
    enable_change_view = False

If you need a dynamic way to toggle the detail view, you can overwrite the class method can_see_change_view(). The following example only allows access to the detail page for superusers:

class MyModelSuperuserDetailPageAdmin(DeactivatableChangeViewAdminMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):

    def can_see_change_view(self, request) -> bool:
        Superusers can access the detail view, others don't.
        return request.user.is_superuser

This mixin automatically disables all links and furthermore the route to the change view so you don’t have to worry about users trying to guess the route.